Production Service

We minimize your risks for your product launch!
  • no project delay due to long delivery time
  • no monetary risk due to pay per product concept
  • no need for additional human ressources
  • no stock for consumables and spare parts
  • no risk for wrong decision on equipment
  • no risk of unexpected down times

We offer:

  • full range of Hesse machines
  • expert team for automation/product clamping
  • collision check between product and bondhead
  • expert team for different bonding processes
  • from first demonstrator up to series production
  • training on the job with your product and your machine
  • full support package incl. operator, machines and all needed consumables

Your idea, our solution:

  • proof of concept by our process experts together with construction to avoid expensive re-design
  • from scetch to functional product in just a few days not month
  • need to convince your investor before releasing money for further investment
  • different concepts (wire, ribbon, design, supplier) without expensive invests
  • benefit from our relations to material supplier

Your idea, our solution:

  • from scetch to functional product in just a few days not month
  • need to convince your investor before releasing money for further investment
  • different concepts (wire, ribbon, design, supplier) without expensive invests
  • benefit from our relations to material supplier

Not enough volume to justify a production line?

No experienced engineers available?

Afraid of start up problems with unknown machinery and process?

No prodcution floor available?

No time to wait for a installed production line?

We will support you from first sample up to 24/7 production with our production line in Paderborn, right now and with best skilled persons!

We take it seriously

You want to sell your product without beeing an expert in all process steps?

You don´t want to invest in production floor, machinery and staff?

You want to focus on your product features?

You want to have always the best equipment in place?

You want to benefit from actual improvements?

Let´s do it together!

We will produce your product also in large scale volume in Paderborn or wherever you want!

Get in contact with us

Please send us an E-Mail with your request and some details.