Advantages of ultrasonic wire bonding with Hesse bonders
Traceability of each bond
Cost of ownership optimized
Working at ambient temperature
No risk of electrical short due to so-called particle-free process
Production machines are highly matured and proved in large scale production
Conversions to other products are characterized by low setup-up times and no changes on the machine. The connection material (wire/ribbon) is provided by the machine.
Tolerances in the product (such as height, position, etc.) can be compensated due to a real-time calculated and monitored bonding process
Decades of knowledge in automation for wire bonding
Other electrical locations on the circuit can be contacted with the same machine (e.g. the BMB/BMS)
Enhanced by real-time quality monitoring (PiQC), by real-time process control and optional quality test (non-destructive pulltest)
Quality requirements well defined in DVS 2811, MIL-Std 883
Highly accepted in the global automotive sector and its standards (VDA, JEDEC, etc.)